ホーム - 市民と科学者の内部被曝問題研究会 結成の呼びかけ
- (1)内部被曝に重点を置いた放射線による被曝影響の科学的研究。
- (2)放射線影響に関する研究体制の形成に関する政治的・歴史的経緯の研究。
- (3)事実と実態に基づく放射線影響に関する研究体制の構築。
- (4)若手研究者の参加を促す活動。
- (5)(1)〜(3)に関する学習会・研究会と市民を対象にしたシンポジウムの開催。
- (6)(1)と(2)に関する研究成果の論文・著書の紹介と出版。
- (7)政府・行政および諸機関と市民社会への提言。
- (8)プレス・リリース・記者会見・ウェブ等によるメディアへの情報提供。
- (9)上記の活動を推進する体制づくりなど。
Join and Participate in
Association for Citizens and Scientists Concerned about Internal Radiation Exposures (ACSIR)
The accident of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused serious harm. Vast areas have been contaminated with radiation, and the lives of a large number of people are threatened.
The major effects of radiation from the accident are caused by internal exposure by inhaling or ingesting food and drink. In measuring the doses of exposure to radiation, the government and its professional advisors have relied mainly on gamma rays which are easy to detect. But, in terms of internal radiation exposure, beta and alpha rays have a far more serious effect than gamma rays. The Japanese government and TEPCO hardly measure such isotopes as beta emitting strontium-90 or alpha emitting plutonium-239. They have been deliberately ignoring the characteristics of internal exposure and its effects on the health.
Behind this lie the nuclear strategies and nuclear power policies of the United States. Influenced by these policies, international organizations such as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) were established. They have relied on the research by Radiation Effects Research Foundation which has been ignoring the effect of radiation exposures from fallouts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic bombs. With regard to the Fukushima accident, the Japanese government makes such claims as “there is no statistically significant evidence to prove that the radiation doses under 100mSv cause diseases”, and they continue to cover up the real facts on the effects of exposure to radiation. They set a high dose for the dose limit of exposure, and consequently they are not protecting the lives of citizens.
What is now needed is the promotion of truly scientific studies about the effects of radiation on the human body that are based on facts and actual radiation exposures including internal exposure, and not on policies that promote nuclear weapons and nuclear power. This is an international issue and a task for all human kind. And it is now required that the effects of the Fukushima accident are dealt with scientifically and democratically from the viewpoint of citizens. This includes appropriate measures to protect food and drink from radiation contamination, compensation for the damage, and safeguards so that people can live and work without radiation exposure. The right of every citizen to live safely must be recognized. For this, we must establish the sovereignty of the people who are rightly provided with correct information about radiation exposure.
For these reasons and in these circumstances, in cooperation with citizens and scientists, we form an association to study radiation exposure with emphasis on internal exposure, and we invite you to participate with us in the following activities.
20 December, 2011
- (1) Scientific studies of the effects of internal radiation exposure.
- (2) Studies of history and politics of the formation of research and advisory organizations about radiation effects.
- (3) Construction of a research system of facts-oriented radiation effects based on reality.
- (4) The encouragement of young researchers to participate in this work.
- (5) Offering symposiums and study meetings about the above (1)〜(3) for citizens.
- (6) Introducing and publishing academic articles and books about the above (1) and (2).
- (7) Making recommendations to the government, administrations and related organizations as well as to the public.
- (8) Informing the media through news conferences, press releases, electronic media.
- (9) Construction of a system to promote the above activities.
藤原寿和(化学・廃棄物処分場問題全国ネットワーク共同代表) | FUJIWARA Toshikazu (Chemistry, Co-reprensentative, National Network of Waste Repository Problems) |
古瀬和寛(医師、脳神経外科) | FURUSE Masahiro (M.D., Neurosurgery) |
肥田舜太郎(被爆医師) | HIDA Shuntaro (M.D., Hiroshima bomb survivor) |
一瀬敬一郎(弁護士・NPO731部隊細菌戦資料センター理事) | ICHINOSE Keiichiro (Lawyer, Trustee, NPO Archive Centre of Unit 731 Chemical Warfare) |
岩田渉(市民放射能測定所・理事) | IWATA Wataru (Director of Citizen’s Radioactivity Measuring Station,) |
松井英介(医師、放射線医学・呼吸器病学) | MATSUI Eisuke (M.D., Radiology, Pneumology) |
松井和子(発達教育学) | MATSUI Kazuko (Education for Human Development) |
守田敏也(ジャーナリスト・社会的共通資本研究) | MORITA Toshiya(Journalist, Research of Social Common-Capital) |
牟田おりえ(文学) | MUTA Orie (Literature) |
中村梧郎(フォト・ジャーナリスト) | NAKAMURA Goro (Photo Journalist) |
中須賀徳行(化学) | NAKASUKA Noriyuki (Chemistry) |
生井兵治(遺伝・育種学) | NAMAI Hyoji (Genetics and Breeding Science) |
西尾正道(医師、放射線医学 北海道がんセンター院長) |
NISHIO Masamichi (M.D., Radiology, Director of Hokkaido Cancer Center) |
大石又七(元第五福竜丸乗組員・ビキニ水爆被爆者) | OISHI Matashichi (former crew of the Lucky Dragon, Bikini Atoll H-bomb survivor) |
大沼淳一(環境学・名古屋市民放射能測定センター運営委員) | OHNUMA Juniti (Environmentology, Nagoya Citizen’s Radioactivity Measuring Station, Committee Member) |
大和田幸嗣(分子細胞生物学) | OWADA Koji (Molecular Cell Biology) |
澤田昭二(素粒子物理学、被爆者) | SAWADA Shoji (Particle Physics, Hiroshima bomb survivor) |
庄司善哉(食品微生物学) | SHOJI Zenya(Food microbiology) |
隅田聡一郎(セイピース・代表) | SUMITA Soichiro (Solidarity among the Asian Youth for Peace PROJECT, Representative) |
鈴木則雄(ジャーナリスト) | SUZUKI Norio (Journalist) |
高橋博子(歴史学) | TAKAHASHI Hiroko (History) |
田代博之(弁護士・重慶大爆撃賠償請求訴訟弁護団長) | TASHIRO Hiroyuki (Lawyer, Chief Counsel in suit for damages for victims of the bombing of Chongqing) |
田代真人(ジャーナリスト) | TASHIRO,Masato (Journalist) |
矢ヶ崎克馬(物性物理学) | YAGASAKI Katsuma (Condensed Matter Physics) |
山田耕作(物性物理学) | YAMADA Kosaku (Condensed Matter Physics) |
山田真(小児科医・八王子中央診療所理事長) | YAMADA Makoto (M.D., Pediatrician, Board Chairman of Hachioji Central Clinic) |